There's something disconcerting about sitting in a place that has been your home with all (or almost all) of the traces of your personality removed. Exactly three years ago, I was unpacking my car and trying to make Boston feel like home. And now, I'm trying to come to terms with leaving yet another home.
I find myself much less emotional than I had expected to be. I think there may still be a part of me that can't come to terms with the idea that tomorrow at this point I'll be several hours into my trip to Sierra Leone. Of course, having my departure delayed by a week may be part of that. I was supposed to leave last Saturday, but I came down with a little case of dengue fever and my doctor told me that I would not be getting on a plane last week. Luckily, I'm feeling fine now and I'm ready to go. At least physically.
I'm afraid I don't really have too much deep thoughts to share on my last night in Boston. I just feel thankful for the support I've had from family and friends over the last several weeks as I've prepared to make this leap. I have no idea what to expect down there, but I know it will be an unforgettable experience. So.... stay tuned!
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